At some locations you will be able to make use of the academic Wi-Fi network eduroam.
You can then surf the Net wirelessly by using the username and password of your school/college/university.
The use of eduroam falls under the ethical code of your school. If there are any problems, contact the school’s servicedesk.
How to connect with wireless network: eduroam #
This can be done in 3 simple steps:
- Connect to the wifi-network eduroam
- Devices with a slower WiFi adapter can only connect via: eduroam-2.4
- In this case, We recommend that you purchase the ASUS USB-AC53 WiFi Adapter for a better internet experience
- Devices with a slower WiFi adapter can only connect via: eduroam-2.4
- If required, fill in the username and password of your school!
You will need to add the school’s suffix to your username so that we know whose school your account belongs to (usually @school; non-exclusive list below). Your password remains unchanged! - If requested accept the proposed security certificate once
School login | Eduroam login | |
Login: | MyUsername | MyUsername@schoolsuffix |
Password: | MyPassword123 | MyPassword123 |
See list below of already well-known school suffixes.
Manuel Wi-Fi settings #
Windows #
- SSID: eduroam
- Devices with a slower WiFi adapter can only connect via: eduroam-2.4
- Security type: WPA2-Enterprise
- Encryption type: AES
- EAP type: EAP (PEAP)
- Verify server certificate: cross off
Android version 10 or older #
- EAP-Method: PEAP
- Phase 2-verification: MSCHAPv2
- CA-Certificate: Don’t validate
- Identity: Your username@schoolsuffix
- Password: Your password
Android version 11 or newer #
- EAP-Method: PEAP
- CA-Certificate: Use system certificates
- Identity: Your username@schoolsuffix
- Password: Your password
- Domain:
- if username from us (e.g. s00121001) fill in “smarteye.eu”
- If you are a user of UGent (e.g. mynameis@ugent.be), please enter “ugent.be”.
- Other instances have not yet been verified, you can then try to fill in the last part of your school email address (called the realm), e.g. as it is at UGent “ugent.be”. Normally this is the part behind the “@” symbol but can sometimes be something else like e.g. if your school email address is “mynameis@mijn.hogeschool.be” (is fictitious school account) the domain can possibly be “hogeschool.be” or “mijn.hogeschool.be”, please test the different possibilities. If it still doesn’t work, please contact your school about this.
Are you unable to connect with a correct username and password despite the above manuals? Make sure your device is updated with latest software and security updates, not forgetting to tick the boxes for any optional updates.
As a last resort you can contact the service desk/ student services of your own school for more information on how to use eduroam with your school/college/university.
List of well-known schools and their suffixes #
This list contains the suffix of schools that are known to us and that are operational.
Schools not listed are also able to work, send us the working details to add them to the list or check https://www.eduroam.org/where/
School (and Associations) | Eduroam @schoolsuffix |
Studenten Internet (s-login) | @studenteninternet.be |
Artesis / Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen (username format: s654321) | @ap.be |
Artevelde Hogeschool (short login) | @student.arteveldehs.be |
Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel | @student.ehb.be |
HoGent (username format: 654321ab) | @hogent.be |
HoWest | @student.howest.be |
Karel de Grote Hogeschool | @student.kdg.be |
KULeuven (r number) | @kuleuven.be |
Odissee | username@student.odisee.be |
UC Leuven Limburg (r number) | @ucll.be |
Hogeschool PXL | @student.pxl.be |
Universiteit Antwerpen | @ad.ua.ac.be |
Université catholique de Louvain | @wifi.uclouvain.be |
Universiteit Gent (email-address) | @ugent.be |
Universiteit Hasselt | @uhasselt.be |
Université Libre de Bruxelles | @ulb.ac.be |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel | @vub.ac.be |
Universite Saint-Louis Brussels (USL-B) Username: intranet_id | @usaintlouis.be |
Brussels Management School (ICHEC) Login: intranet_id | @cti.ichec.be |
Haute Ecole Galilee / IHECS contactez sebastien.chaveriat@galilee.be Login: intranet_id | @student.galilee.be |
Universite Mons (UMons) Login: intranet_id | @umons.ac.be |
VIVES | @kuleuven.be |
Vlerick (firstname.lastname) | @edu.vlerick.com |
Hogere Zeevaartschool (9 digit username) | @hzs.be |
ICHEC Brussels Management School (registration number username) | @cti.ichec.be |
University Maastricht (i7654321@unimaas.nl) | @unimaas.nl |
University Rotterdam (654321ab@eur.nl) | @eur.nl |
Official Eduroam information #
You can find a full list of schools and their correct corresponding configurations on:
- Belgium: www.eduroam.be en eduroam locaties
- The Netherlands: www.eduroam.nl
- International: www.eduroam.org